Halloween fun turned scary with last weeks poll: what candy would you eat on a pizza? Like, if you had to? I left the poll intentionally vague as to whether or not the base in question belong to a dessert or savory pie, looking for interesting results—and I got them! There were 326 votes in total, and the pure, dissolvable sugar option (like Pixy Stix) was the winning choice, with 26% of the votes. The option of M&Ms, or plain chocolate bars was the runner-up.
Understandably, the real debate took place in the comments, which ranged from the righteously outraged to the humorously inquisitive, the dumbstruck to the nostalgic. A few acknowledged some interesting possibilities. One that sounded potentially delicious to me: "...if mixed with the right spices and perhaps [chipotle]...a darker chocolate could possibly pair well with a steak topped...pizza", from SLUfoodie.
Anyway, moving on—we all (I sincerely hope it's not just me) have those days when we look in the fridge and are left facing a jar of iffy pickles, half a stick of butter and some old cheese. When we can't remember the last time we did groceries, and ingenuity is forced to take over in the fight to feed ourselves. A handy fallback is usually the ever reliable carb + stuff combo, or in, Slice terms, a pizza-like object.
What exactly is a pizza-like object? Whatever you want it to be, friends. Ramen crust pizza, pizzagna, pizzaritos...the list (particularly here at Serious Eats) goes on. My personal go-to is the English muffin pizza...but what about you? Which last-minute pizza mashup is your favorite—or at least, which sounds the tastiest?
About the author:Kate Andersen is a Contributing Editor for Slice.