[Image: The Pizza Underground]
Last week, we learned something new: Macaulay Culkin is a member of a pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band that's recording and releasing a demo. This week, we absorb the fact that they've now put on an actual show show and have been interviewed (along with fellow pizza-lovers Radical Dads) on Heritage Radio Network.
For an idea that seems very likely to have originated in a stoned haze, the fact that The Pizza Underground produced a demo is pretty impressive on its own...but they haven't stopped there. Culkin and his group hosted a free show this past Friday at Williamsburg bar Baby's All Right. According to The Daily Beast, the line to attend stretched down the block, as eager Brooklynites waited for the pizza party-cum-concert. Slices were passed around on paper plates, orange soda was drunk, and patrons settled in for the experience. Despite the inherent silliness of the premise, the show was apparently both skillful and funny, in a Flight of the Conchords, Tenacious D sort of way. At the end of the night, the band left the stage with heads held high, to echoing chants of "One more slice! One more slice!"
If you want to dig a little deeper, The Pizza Underground shares their favorite pizza joints in the city and more in a recent interview on Snacky Tunes, a weekly Heritage Radio podcast that brings together two of our favorite things: food and music. They decided to wrap up 2013 by featuring Culkins' now infamous group, and another pizza-loving band, Radical Dads. In the second segment of the show, Radical Dads goes over their soda zine and what got them started down their food-focused path—also covered is their pretty epic pizza blog, SLICE GUYZ, which is definitely worth checking out (I guess pizza Tumblrs are a requisite for a certain type of band these days?). The show features songs from both bands, so tune in!
About the author:Kate Andersen is a Contributing Editor for Slice.