Yesterday on NPR's website, Quoctrung Bui dove into the world of pizza data to look at what really happens when you decide to order a small over a large (or visa versa). He created a graph based on 74,476 prices from 3,678 pizza places across the country, depicting how price changes with pizza size (drag the slider on NPR to see the differences). The result proved something we're all mostly familiar with (buying in bulk?), which is that bigger pizza = better value. Quoctrung discovered that on average, to get the amount of pizza that you would in one 16-inch pie you'd have to spend anywhere from an additional $2.35 (on 14-inch pizzas) to $16.41 (on 8-inch pizzas). So the next time you're ordering pizza, maybe take a second to do the math.
Today, Quoctrung went at pizza from yet another angle, looking for more to do with all the data they'd accumulated the first time around. The new question: how much does pizza cost in my neighborhood, or my friend's neighborhood, or the neighborhood of my aunt across the country? He looked at the median price of all cheese pizzas (to keep it simple) in neighborhoods in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The price ranges on the graphs differ from city to city, to make comparing the neighborhoods easier. Check out all the graphs on NPR!
And to keep the chart/infographic ball rolling, here's another tidbit from the Huffington Post. Their image (or really, Pizza Morgan Hill/Round Table Pizza's image) details some versions of pizza (or pizza-ish things) around the world, and gets into the favorite toppings of different nations. From Germany's tuna fish pizza to banana-crazy Swedes, it's a fun look at pizza from a global perspective.
About the author:Kate Andersen is a Contributing Editor for Slice.