[Photograph: Adam Kuban]
I was (and still am), on a bit of a breakfast kick—dutch babies, oatmeal, hash...and lots and lots of eggs. Which is why I put forward the question: eggs on pizza, way or no way? We got 1,055 responses, with a surprisingly sequential distribution of votes; weighted from top to bottom, most to least. Basically, people are pretty okay with eggs on pizza, and 43% outright love them. The 5-11% who've either never tried the combination and never want to or have but hated it made their thoughts known in the comments.
Time for a new question. My assumption here is that you're at least a little obsessed with pizza (because why wouldn't you be?). Maybe you eat from the same place day after day because you love it and loyalty is the ultimate display of affection, or maybe you refuse to ever visit the same pizzeria twice because otherwise how would you try it all, but either way, you're obsessed. But just how far has that obsession taken you? Down the block? On a brief roadtrip? A train ride? An overseas flight? What exactly is the farthest you've ever gone to get some pizza?
About the author:Kate Andersen is a Contributing Editor for Slice.