- KDHX DJ Chris Ward is going for the gold...and by gold, I mean attempting to eat a record breaking number of pizza rolls (the current record stands at 41 rolls in three minutes). Chris was stuffing his face with a purpose: raising funds for the independent radio station. For every $10 that was pledged, he would eat 1 pizza roll. Ward was quoted in a piece by Riverfront Times saying, "I knew it was going to be gross, but I didn't know it would actually be disgusting...I also didn't realize my palate has changed quite a bit since I was, you know, twelve years old." The grand total for the night came to 51 pizza rolls (not consumed in less than 3 minutes) and $700 dollars, all of which will go to supporting the station.
- Next up, we have a great piece from Eater (brought to my attention by Adam) on the majesty of Stefano Ferrara pizza ovens. Even if you're only a casual pizza fan you may have heard the name before, and at the very least chances are high you've seen one, turning out quality Neapolitan pies. Ferrara, who's a third generation oven-builder and has been training since 13, makes each domed brick oven by hand. Restaurants like Paulie Gee's, Motorino, Cane Rosso and Una Pizza Napoletana all proudly boast Ferrara ovens. These beauties are expensive, but almost any obsessive will tell you it's worth it. Head over to Eater to read the full article, and dive deep into costs, concerns, the installation process, details of craftsmanship, and more.
- Our friends over at First We Feast have pulled together ten essential (read: hilariously awesome) tools for pizza lovers. Check out their selection of "the best pizza gizmos and gadgets that you can buy online right now, from Homer Simpson talking pizza cutters to pizza ice cream cone makers."
- Finally, we have this piece of heartwarming fluff from The Huffington Post. Andrew Schaffer, Portland pizza delivery guy, was out doing his job when one order took a disappointing turn—he received a $0.33 tip on a $22.67 bill. Taking it in stride he went on his way, which is normally where the tale would end...except that at work the next day, Andrew found a surprise waiting for him. An illustrated note had been delivered by the couple, which read: "Maybe a cupcake will help? Okay, well maybe I don't really have a cupcake for you - but how about that tip from last night? We would like to apologize for our impared math skills and to thank you for the work you do. We appreciate it immensely! - Tom and Jenn". Inside was a $20 tip, which as Andrew says, "...really made my day! Tips make up about two-thirds of my income, which pays for school for me...The $20 was much appreciated, but the obvious time and effort put into making the card and hand delivering it meant even more." Obvious case of better late than never!
About the author:Kate Andersen is a Contributing Editor for Slice.