Look out, Wonderpizza, there's a new player in the pizza vending machine game. Let's Pizza is setting up the first US pizza vending machine HQ in Atlanta. Not only that, but these machines best the competition by producing pies in just 2.5 minutes and the entire pizza is made from scratch. (Actually, is that really a plus? Flour and water mixed seconds before being baked = bland crust with no time to develop any depth of flavor.) But the real selling point here seems to be the emphasis of sanitation. As pointed out in the SF Gate Inside Scoop post that ran yesterday, these pizzas are all about "total hygiene." My favorite tagline is: "Made without being touched by hands: Pizza made in a human-free environment." Mmmmmm.
[pizzamarketplace.com via SF Gate]
About the author: Meredith Smith is the Slice editor. You can follow her on Twitter: @mertsmith.