[Image: Local Motors by Extreme]
In keeping with the makeover theme, Domino's is looking to revolutionize the pizza delivery system. Domino's has partnered with Local Motors (an online community of automotive designers and manufacturers) to launch their Ultimate Delivery Machine vehicle design competition.
Fire Trucks were specifically designed to carry firemen to fires and help them do their job. Ambulances were designed to stabilize patients and transport them to the hospital safely. Tow trucks were designed to carry cars to mechanics to be repaired. Because these vehicles were specifically designed and purpose-built, those who use them are able to do their jobs more effectively, safely and with greater ease. However, there has never been a vehicle specifically designed and purpose-built for pizza delivery. Until now!
First prize is $10,000 and "the intention of building a prototype." But in order to be in the running, there are a good number of challenges that the design presents including: room for 20 pizzas in Heatwave bags, ability to keep items cool (drinks, salads, etc); vehicles that are energy efficient and durable; cost less than $20,000 to purchase; and something drivers would be psyched to drive.
While undoubtedly driven by the marketing team at Domino's, having a corporate fleet of vehicles would address some of the challenges that came up in the comments section of our poll about pizza delivery tips. You can check out the design entries here. While they look cool, does pizza really necessitate it's own vehicle specifically designed to deliver it?
About the author: Meredith Smith is the Slice editor. You can follow her on Twitter: @mertsmith.