Colin "Slice Harvester" Hagendorf eats his final slice of Manhattan pizza — with his girlfriend, Christina Sparhawk. [Photograph: WSJ/Rob Bennett]
Colin "Slice Harvester" Hagendorf finally finished his quest to eat at all the slice joints in Manhattan last week, and the Wall Street Journal has a nice profile of him up on its website.
I am in awe of Mr. Hagendorf and his quest. It is a hell of an achievement. How many times has someone joked about doing such a thing? Yet no one to my knowledge has ever actually gone and done it. As I said to the WSJ reporter, "A lot of the time I kick myself for not doing it first, but at the same time I'm glad I didn't have to endure it."
Colin tweeted yesterday that he'd be posting his final review today. Check out Slice Harvester for it. Update: Here it is.
And while you're there, take a spin through his Great Slice tag archive. Solid recs there.
Hats off to the Slice Harvester. It's bittersweet. It's inspiring to see him follow through on this insanity but sad that we'll no longer have his unique brand of pizza reviews to look forward to.
Hasta la pizza, Colin. Good show.
See also: Colin "Slice Harvester," a True Pizza Obsessive »
About the author: Adam Kuban is the founder of Slice, where he has been blogging about pizza for more than eight years. You can follow him as @akuban on Twitter.