This slice from Patsy's in Harlem is an example of a once removed Neapolitan pie with unavoidable tip sag. [Photographs: Nick Solares]
We've all experienced it before. You walk out on the street, slice in hand, and you're pumped. But then, as you lift the slice off the plate, the perky tip you anticipated makes a dip. You're the victim of a saggy tip! The danger of a cheese slide is imminent— maybe you give it a quick fold and regain control. But can you really ever feel the same about that slice?
When your pointer dips south, is it a deal breaker? (Caveat: The tip sag is inevitable in certain styles of pie, ie Neapolitan pizza. We're talking New York type slices here, or similar thin-crusted round pies.)
About the author: Meredith Smith is the Slice editor. You can follow her on Twitter: @mertsmith.