- Slice on Mars, hold the cheese [WaPo]
- Dealing with the side effects of pizza love [Pizzamaking]
- Interview with Slice of Brooklyn's Tony Muia [Pizza Therapy]
- Not pizza, but related: "The Farmer Across the Road" [Pizza Quest]
- Best Pizza's Frank Pinello opening pizzeria in Toronto [Toronto.com]
- West Michigan's Mr. Scrib's expanding to Arizona [BizJournals]
- SF's Paxti's heading to Denver [Westword]
- Marines' "Operation Pizza Oven" in Okinawa [PDF] [navy.mil]
- Pizzeria da Nella [Chicago Pizza Club]
- Greek-style pizza at Norma's Pizza market stand [Norma]
- Gino's East [Pizza Quixote]
- Elizabeth Falkner tweets peek at her new Brooklyn joint [Grub Street]
- Pizza museum prepares to open in Philly [Newsworks]
Is this Louisiana pizzeria haunted?