Making Roman-style pizza at Farinella. via Eater]
- Bruno DiFabio to attempt fastest pizza record [NYP]
- Need suggestions on NY– and Neapolitan-style pizzerias for NYC trip [Pizzamaking]
- Joe's Pizza opening second location in NYC [Daily Meal]
- Born-on dates for pizza slices? [NY Pizza Project]
- More Detroit-style experimentation [Norma]
- A look back at pizza in NYC in 2012and outside of NYC [IDoP]
- "How I'm making dough these days" [Mueller Pizza Lab]
- Where have we been? [Passion-4-Pizza]
- 2012 pizza-consumption data [Scott's Pizza Journal]
- Making a pie with 2-week-old dough [Pizza Goon]
- 12 breakout pies of 2012 [Pizza Quixote]
- "Canadian" pizza from Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok [Pizza Boxes]
- A new type of slice appears in NYC [VV]
- ICYMI: This old thread on Shuboyje's oven is worth looking at [Pizzamaking]
- Pizzetteria Brunetti gearing up for West Village location [GSNY]
About the author: Adam Kuban is the founder of Slice, where he has been blogging about pizza for more than eight years. You should follow him on Twitter: @akuban.