VIEW SLIDESHOW: 8 Pizzas That Haunt My Dreams, 2011
This is an annual thing with me now (see 8PTHMD 2009 and 8PTHMD 2010). I ate a lot of pizza over the course of the year, but these eight pies, mostly from around the NYC area, are the ones that haunt my dreams even as we close in on 2012. Like years past, I'm not declaring these "the best," per se, just eight pizzas that stand out in my memory and that I want more of. Are they in any kind of order? Not this year, so don't read anything into it. Just peep the slideshow and salivate.
About the author: Adam Kuban is the founder of Slice, where he has been blogging about pizza for more than 8 years. You can follow him as @akuban on Twitter.